Rapid inflation requires quick measures to ensure scientific quality

In recent weeks, numerous Austrian scientific institutions have drawn attention to the consequences of the current massive price increases. Essentially, universities and research institutions are primarily concerned about scientific quality. This is because without compensation for inflation, savings will have to be made, particularly in personnel, but also in infrastructure due to rising energy and rental costs. Those directly affected here are primarily students and staff.

"Teaching and research are the core competences of a university. Without motivated and committed academic and administrative staff, universities and research institutions cannot fulfil their social mission to a high standard. Due to rising personnel costs caused by inflation, we are coming under increasing pressure in the competition for teaching and research staff. For the universities of applied sciences, this means that they will no longer be able to withstand this competition with the current funding rates for student places," says FHK President Ulrike Prommer. "We share the concerns of numerous Austrian academic institutions in view of the current financial emergency. Without inflation compensation, there will be dramatic losses and this must be prevented at all costs with a significant increase in the science budget for 2024 and 2025."

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