Important political step towards securing the supply situation in Austria

The fact that the current amendment to the Psychotherapy Act allows future psychologists to begin their studies at a university of applied sciences is an important step taken by the Ministry of Health under HBM Johannes Rauch. This is the only way to ensure that the supply of psychotherapists is also guaranteed in regions that do not have a university.

The FHK takes an extremely positive view of this step, as the universities of applied sciences already offer programmes in many therapeutic disciplines that are equivalent to the first and second stages of the new psychotherapy degree programmes (Bachelor's and Master's). It is therefore right to locate psychotherapy where the scientific prerequisites are in place, namely at universities of applied sciences. "In future, our graduates will not have to leave their university or federal state to become psychotherapists. They will therefore play a central role in the regional provision of therapy services to the population," says FHK President Ulrike Prommer.

"Our universities have greatly expanded the field of health sciences in recent years. The new psychotherapy programmes fit perfectly into the scientific spectrum of our disciplines. Psychotherapy has brought a new dynamic to our range of subjects. Now would therefore be the right time to push ahead with reforms in the medical-therapeutic-diagnostic healthcare professions (MTD professions) and to initiate the long-planned amendment to the MTD Act," concluded Prommer.

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