FHK calls for a negotiating table with HBM Polaschek with the involvement of the social partners and the ÖH
At its meeting yesterday, the FHK Board unanimously decided to reject the draft development and financing plan and to reject it in its entirety. The draft in question is the most unambitious and regressive plan since the FH sector was founded 30 years ago.
- The draft is not a financing plan, as it does not provide for even remotely adequate financing under the given circumstances.
- The draft is not a development plan. It does not provide for any further expansion of study places, which will further exacerbate the existing shortage of skilled labour.
- The draft lacks any innovative, forward-looking measures, which will inevitably lead to a loss of quality on the backs of the students. We will not accept this!
The universities of applied sciences are therefore calling for an immediate halt to the current review and the start of real negotiations on an equal footing with the FHK with the involvement of the social partners and the ÖH. We will not accept the plan in its current form!