Representative IFES population survey comes to the conclusion that universities of applied sciences have the best image ratings of all educational institutions.

The Austrian University of Applied Sciences Conference (FHK) has commissioned a large-scale image study to mark the 25th anniversary of the Austrian universities of applied sciences. Using an online survey, 3,200 Austrians were asked about the general image of the education sectors and specifically about the characteristic profiles of universities of applied sciences and universities. Due to the size of the sample, nine separate federal state reports were also compiled.

Summary of the main results
Universities of applied sciences enjoy a very good image among the population as a whole. The general impression of the educational institutions surveyed in Austria is best for universities of applied sciences. 69% of respondents have a (very) good impression of universities of applied sciences, followed by universities (65%, very good and good impression) and vocational colleges (64%). In particular, the streamlined organisation of studies, support and service, practical relevance and proximity to business and potential employers are perceived as strengths of universities of applied sciences.

A total of 86% of respondents rated the organisation of studies at universities of applied sciences (admission procedure, completion within a specified time, limitation of study places) as (very) good. UAS graduates rated the organisation of their studies significantly better than university graduates (94% vs. 68%). The information and general framework conditions of the degree programme were also rated as very good. 66% felt (very) well informed. UAS graduates also rate this aspect significantly better than university graduates (82% vs. 60%).

Property profile of universities of applied sciences and universities Universities of applied sciences are seen as modern and innovative. The surveyed characteristics profile of the two educational institutions is clearly in favour of universities of applied sciences. Around 7 in 10 respondents (between 68% and 73%) are of the opinion that universities of applied sciences are useful, targeted, offer good career prospects and are important. Universities are ascribed these attributes by 53% to 66%.

Furthermore, a good 6 out of 10 respondents (between 61% and 66%) attribute the following characteristics to universities of applied sciences: contemporary, relevant to the labour market, close to business and industry, modern, efficient, practice-oriented, innovative, highly regarded and solution-oriented. For universities, the proportion of mentions ranges between 41% and 45%. In terms of openness to new ideas, universities tend to be rated better (63% UAS vs. 69% university).

Satisfaction with the degree programme
The survey also asked about various aspects of the degree programme itself. The results show that UAS graduates and UAS students are significantly more satisfied than university graduates and students. With regard to the practical relevance (UAS: 76%, university: 38%; very and rather satisfied), the topicality of the content (79% vs. 65%), the technical equipment (70% vs. 41%), support and service (70% vs. 47%), commitment and support from teaching staff (71% vs. 55%) and the teaching materials available (73% vs. 60%), universities of applied sciences perform significantly better. The service quality and modernity of the facilities in particular are clear strengths of universities of applied sciences.

The framework conditions of a UAS degree programme have the positive aspect that students largely expect to complete their degree in the minimum amount of time and that there are enough places available for all students in the teaching sessions. Around 7 out of 10 UAS students (71%) assume that they will complete their degree programme in the minimum amount of time, compared to 40% among university students. Around six out of 10 UAS students (62%) consider the number of places available in the teaching sessions to be sufficient (university: 51%).

Students generally rate the study conditions very highly, although here too students at universities of applied sciences tend to be more satisfied than those at universities.

Relevance for the labour market
A clear strength of universities of applied sciences is their practical relevance and proximity to business and the world of work. The prospects of finding a job are seen as better at universities of applied sciences than at universities.

More than two thirds of UAS students and graduates see the following advantages over universities:
- Completion of the degree programme in minimum time (FH: 72% vs. Uni: 24%)
- High practical relevance (69% vs. 28%)
- Good reputation in the industry (67% vs. 46%)
- modern and innovative (68% vs. 39%)
- Close cooperation with companies (63% vs. 29%)
- Conveying contemporary content (70% vs. 49%)
- Innovative study models for working students (62% vs. 34%)
- take into account the requirements of the economy (62% vs. 33%)
- Strong focus on the economy (48% vs. 24%)

There are no significant differences between the two educational institutions in terms of the range of degree programmes on offer or the quality of education - both rank at a very high level.

Importance in the education system
The importance of education at university level is undisputedly high. 84% of the population are of the opinion that universities of applied sciences have a (very) high status in the Austrian education system. In a direct comparison of universities of applied sciences and universities, the two educational institutions are on an equal footing: 32% rate the importance of universities of applied sciences higher, the same number see universities higher, and 36% see both at the same (high) level.

You can find the results of the study in detail here on the right in the download area.

Enquiry note:
Kurt Koleznik
FHK Secretary General
Tel. 0664/4244294
E-mail: kurt.koleznik@fhk-alt.local

Mag.a Teresa Schaup
Project manager
IFES - Institute for Empirical Social Research
Teinfaltstraße 8
1010 Vienna
Phone: +43 1 546 70 584

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