Vienna (OTS) - The University of Applied Sciences Conference has reacted positively to the joint statement by the social partners and the IV regarding the new development and financing plan to be drawn up for the years 2023/24 - 2025/26. The clear commitment to the universities of applied sciences is important for further development and reflects the importance of universities of applied sciences for the economy and society.
The universities of applied sciences understand the demand for 1,200 new STEM study places, but must also point out that our society needs much more than just STEM study places. In times of a pandemic, focussing solely on new STEM study places will therefore fall short. In this context, the universities of applied sciences are calling for the required 1,200 new study places to be distributed across all areas of study at universities of applied sciences.
Meanwhile, the universities of applied sciences are also very concerned that the topic of research and research funding at universities of applied sciences is not receiving any attention. "Quality assurance in teaching cannot take place without research. In fact, there can be no university without research. Universities of Applied Sciences have a legal mandate to conduct research and it is the duty of the Ministry of Science to provide sufficient funding for this," states FHK President Ulrike Prommer. The universities of applied sciences have been calling for continuous research funding for many years and have already presented corresponding possible financing models.
"The new development and funding plan provides the ideal framework for finally establishing an appropriate funding model for university of applied sciences research," concluded Prommer in the direction of Federal Minister Polaschek.