Under the motto "Creating Impact - becoming effective together", this year's research forum of the Austrian universities of applied sciences will take place from 20 to 21 April 2022 on the Villach campus of the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences.
Joint cross-border research on future topics
In addition to scientific contributions in overarching thematic blocks such as "UAS research becomes effective", "cross-border UAS research" and "Together towards a sustainable & resilient future", Federal Minister Martin Polascheck and Governor Peter Kaiser will be guests in a political part of the programme on 21 April 2022. Sabine Herlitschka, CEO of Infineon Technologies, will give a keynote speech at the end of the event.
Please make a note of the press event for the presentation "Impact and effectiveness of UAS research in the context of collaborative research".
Press conference dialogue partner:
- Sabine Herlitschka, Chairwoman of the Board of Infineon Austria & Chairwoman of the Board of the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences
- Peter Granig, Rector FH Carinthia
- Claudia Pacher, Head of FH Kärnten Research
- Ulrike Prommer, President of the Conference of Universities of Applied Sciences (FHK)
Date: 21.04.2022, 11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Location: FH Carinthia, Campus Villach
Europastrasse 4, 9524 Villach, Austria